söndag 29 januari 2017

Alcohol, speedbumps and expectations

I am Gunilla, who has been longing to understand more about my costumers experiences, in this case, the restaurateurs, in my town. I work as a head of a municipal unit that investigates and supervise restaurants that sell or would like to sell alcohol.
Our work is not always popular among our clients and we do have to work hard to offer service that our clients appreciate. The value of our service is not always experienced within our work, it is beyond it. You need "our" licence to run your pub and you have to pass through the laws needle´s eye to get it, a k a lots of administration, a thing that many clients really dislike. Our unit is a bit like a speedbump on the road for the restaurateurs. Though, I like this speedbump, as it has its roots in a protective law that will make our town nightlife safer and the public health better. And for the restaurateurs, it offers a fair competition, which of course is very important.
With our work comes great power, and like superman, we have to show great responsibility. The contact with our unit is imperative for our clients, so it is even more important to make the contact as good as possible.

For many years we have improved our service by intuition or by, which I find most important, listening to our clients. Though this is not enough. I need more knowledge and theories to understand our clients experiences so that I can improve and develop our service and our work. I hope the course will help me with this.

I have a background and a degree as a social worker since many years, especially working with preventive interventions against abuse of drugs and alcohol.  My experience of social media is not very big, just using Facebook, Instagram and Pintrest.

Now I look forward to the first module, though I am a bit worried about my English. No doubt, I will not only improve my knowledge about psychological aspects behind costumers experiences, I will also improve my English. Killing two birds with one stone, great value! :)

9 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Gunilla
    Really interesting post and background. As a Swede, your department is well known and I personally look forward to reading more about your ventures connecting the knowledge your learning here with your professional life.

    I'm also looking forward to your thoughts and ideas as I'm also interacting with "non paying" people (customers) in the development sector strongly connected with civil society. The relationship dynamics changes dramatically for a "customer" not paying for a service that it is yet entitled to.
    Just a couple of thoughts, hope they make sense.

    Good Luck!!


    1. Many thanks Erik! It will really be interesting to read more about your work. I am curious about what kind of development you do and who your costumers are. Looking forward to get to know more about your work and thoughts!
      We do have paying costumers though, as our unit is run by fees, not by taxation. Our clients cannot choose supplier, which makes it an extra responsible task to give excellent service.
      Thanks for your best-wishes! :) Likewise to you!

  2. Thanks for a nice post. Interesting discussion on how a municipality work with their customers not only to hand out licenses but also to prevent or manage the public health. I look forward to read more about alcohol licensing and customer-centered work.

  3. Very interesting post. Even although I have lived some months in Sweden, some aspects of Swedish culture are unknown for me, and your work is one of these. I can see alcohol licensing is a really demanding business in relation to both your customers and the general public as final customer. I am looking forward to read your reflections on how you relate customer experience theories to your work.

  4. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  5. Side track here: During my student years in Uppsala, I worked full time for a year in the capacity of "ansvarig utskänkare" (however that translates) at my student nation, so I had the pleasure of being your colleagues' customer back then. I remember that I actually enjoyed the courses we needed to take in order to acquire the license. I am also of the opinion that it is an important civic function, this "roadbump" that you describe, just like my opinion on Systembolaget as the bearer of an important civic health role, though I can imagine not all people you deal with in your daily work are of the same opinion. /Jerker
    (edited for spelling)

    1. Hi Jerquer and thanks for your encouragement! There is always a conflict between the industry and commerce and the civic health. The industry has stronger muscles and most often promotes a short-term profit. We argue for the long term health-perspective, which the law supports. Sometimes, I am sure that you understand, it gives us troubles to focus on the proper costumer. Or, at least, to remember the hierarchy...
      (Like your opinions and your experience, by the way!:) )
