söndag 29 januari 2017

Alcohol, speedbumps and expectations

I am Gunilla, who has been longing to understand more about my costumers experiences, in this case, the restaurateurs, in my town. I work as a head of a municipal unit that investigates and supervise restaurants that sell or would like to sell alcohol.
Our work is not always popular among our clients and we do have to work hard to offer service that our clients appreciate. The value of our service is not always experienced within our work, it is beyond it. You need "our" licence to run your pub and you have to pass through the laws needle´s eye to get it, a k a lots of administration, a thing that many clients really dislike. Our unit is a bit like a speedbump on the road for the restaurateurs. Though, I like this speedbump, as it has its roots in a protective law that will make our town nightlife safer and the public health better. And for the restaurateurs, it offers a fair competition, which of course is very important.
With our work comes great power, and like superman, we have to show great responsibility. The contact with our unit is imperative for our clients, so it is even more important to make the contact as good as possible.

For many years we have improved our service by intuition or by, which I find most important, listening to our clients. Though this is not enough. I need more knowledge and theories to understand our clients experiences so that I can improve and develop our service and our work. I hope the course will help me with this.

I have a background and a degree as a social worker since many years, especially working with preventive interventions against abuse of drugs and alcohol.  My experience of social media is not very big, just using Facebook, Instagram and Pintrest.

Now I look forward to the first module, though I am a bit worried about my English. No doubt, I will not only improve my knowledge about psychological aspects behind costumers experiences, I will also improve my English. Killing two birds with one stone, great value! :)

söndag 22 januari 2017

Nybörjare X2

Äntligen igång! Så här glad blir jag när jag fått ordning på allt det praktiska med att börja en distanskurs på Karlstads universitet. Nu vill jag lära mig allt - eller i alla fall väldigt mycket - om hur kunder uppfattar våra tjänster på Helsingborgs tillståndsenhet, där jag är chef. 
I övermorgon börjar kunskapsresan och jag är så taggad!